ReStorying Consulting Co-op

Restorying Co-Op Logo

ReStorying Our Narrative.

We are a collective of skilled community healers.

We partner with organizations and institutions to build sustainable cultures of holistic wellness.

We use indigenous healing practices to create transformative results.

 What is ReStorying?

 Restorying is the co-creation of authentic, life-affirming narratives.

In harmony with our various indigenous healing traditions, the ReStorying process is uncompromisingly holistic.

We help individuals and organizations leverage their identities and thrive by integrating four key elements of being:

Spiritual, Physical, Creative and Social-Emotional.

 Our Offerings

  • The ReStorying Workshop Icon

    ReStorying Workshops

    Our signature ReStorying Workshops guide organizations and institutions through a journey of rediscovery and healing, equipping participants with skills needed to establish a culture of wellness.

  • Leadership Training Icon

    Leadership Coaching

    Our members draw from decades of professional and clinical experience to provide tailored training and coaching both relevant and authentic to your leadership style.

  • Train the Trainer Icon

    Train the Trainer Seminars

    Driven by our cooperative ethos and indigenous spirit, we offer more intensive guidance that will equip you to lead ReStorying Workshops within your communities and organizations.

 How We Work

At ReStorying Consulting Co-op, we tailor our workshops and services to each individual group.

Each engagement is unique, and we customize our strategy and offering to each organization’s current context and goals.

 Our Mission

Our mission is to creatively engage individuals, groups, organizations and communities at a local, national, and global level in the ReStorying healing process.

Our Vision

We are committed to advancing people’s liberation and communal healing worldwide through sustainable wellness practices.

Contact us today to learn how we can help your organization reach your goals through holistic ReStorying.